Trying to Make The Process Of Getting Open Easier

Con Edison

Having just completed our annual State of Industry program, we continue to hear from our members not only about the challenges of day to day operations but the stress that can be involved with getting a new restaurant open. One of our goals from the very beginning has been to reach out into the community on our members behalf to build relationship with key resources that can simplify the process and cut through the red tape.

So the NYC Hospitality Alliance is happy to announce a partnership with Con Edison and the NYC Department of Small Business Services to offer a new service we encourage you to use before signing a lease to open an eating and drinking establishment. The service is intended to solve a problem that many restaurant owners face when they sign a new lease only to find out that there is not existing or adequate gas service at the location. This results in unexpected, expensive and time consuming work that must be done before opening the business and it puts them over budget and behind schedule.

To help you determine whether gas is available at a particular space, or could be provided to the location prior to signing a lease, Con Edison’s Gas Team will provide small business owners in the food and beverage industry an opportunity to receive preliminary information regarding gas availability and a list of additional costs associated with providing gas service to a particular space/address, and if applicable, for a specific premises. By having access to this information before signing a lease you will be able to more effectively budget your opening expenses and anticipate your timeline to receive gas service. This service will help mitigate unknown expenses and work that must be done at a space before having access to gas service.

To utilize this new program, Con Edison needs you to provide the following information: The building address (and any AKA addresses) and the estimated gas usage from your equipment (stoves, hot water, dishwashers, make-up air, etc.). Please then email that info to

As we worked through this with Con Edison, they were thrilled with the potential outcome. Because whether its a pop up restaurant or long term lease, the pre-planning makes Con Edison’s  job much easier.  Most importantly, if there’s going to construction involved to get gas to the restaurant its almost certainly going to cut down the time line.

Con Edison’s Ms Cummings also suggested that while you are going through the process of gas availability and getting ready to open, don’t forget to ask your equipment and  supply dealer about potential rebates from Con Edison on the ovens and steamers etc that will be the backbone of your kitchen.

  • Day & Nite
  • Red Gold BBQ
  • SFA Winter Fancy Faire
  • ERA Group
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • Imperial Dade
  • Easy Ice
  • BelGioioso Burrata

This information is provided only to guide you in the location decision-making process, prior to the signing of a lease. Once a lease is signed and you take possession of the space you will still need to complete an official work request to the project center (and should do so immediately) to obtain specific information and schedule the work necessary to complete your gas connection/gas construction. A guide to the filing of load letters and work requests can be found at the ConEd website.

We are looking forward to working closely with Con Edison to make it easier for our members to open their new establishments and keep our industry flourishing in New York City.

For more information on the New York City Hospitality Alliance, visit their website.

  • Imperial Dade
  • Day & Nite
  • ERA Group
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Red Gold BBQ
  • Easy Ice
  • SFA Winter Fancy Faire
Andrew Rigie
Andrew Rigie is the Executive Director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, a trade association formed in 2012 to foster the growth and vitality of the industry that has made New York City the Hospitality Capital of the World. Learn more at