Bouncing Back with Ventless Kitchen Solutions

ventless kitchen solutions
Article contributed by Danielle Fantasia, Sales & Marketing, for Motion Technology Inc. 

The comeback is always better than the setback. That popular phrase could not be more important than right now. The last few months have not been easy. We had to give up going out, dining in restaurants, and seeing our friends and family. We took to take out and curbside pickups to ensure the companies that have become a part of our communities stay afloat.

Today, businesses across our country are slowly beginning to reopen, and patrons will be returning. So, what does that mean for the future? Well, things will be different, that much we know. Owners and operators will have a lot on their plates as they adhere to the “New Normal”. Business plans and models will change. From reduced staff, to limited supplies, it will be imperative for them to find what works for their establishment both financially and operationally. 

At Motion Technology, Inc., we have spent the last 30 years perfecting our ventless kitchen equipment. From our line of fully enclosed deep fryers, to our high-speed oven, there are solutions for every industry. Creating tasty menu items like baked salmon and asparagus with lemon, to a southern fried chicken sandwich with crispy French fries, the creative possibilities are limitless.

The AutoFry and MultiChef XL are easy to use, requiring the push of just a couple buttons. Making it a contact free operation. And did we mention that all our equipment is ventless? This means there are NO HOODS needed for both our oven and fryers. In some cases, this can save owners up to as much as $30,000.00! Ideal for industries like breweries who now may see the need and benefits of implementing a food menu.

Furthermore, we want our customers to know that we are always here to help. We have created several helpful technical videos, cleaning & troubleshooting guides, and recipe books to assist in just about anything you could need for your equipment. Plus, our technical support team is available seven days a week by phone, just in case you have a question or two.

  • Easy Ice
  • Day & Nite
  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • SFA Winter Fancy Faire
  • Imperial Dade
  • ERA Group
  • Red Gold BBQ

So, as we adjust to the new guidelines to keep our friends and family safe, know we are in this together. Times are tough, but the future is bright.

  • Red Gold BBQ
  • Easy Ice
  • ERA Group
  • SFA Winter Fancy Faire
  • Day & Nite
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Imperial Dade
Total Food Service
Total Food Service is a monthly B2B foodservice publication and website covering foodservice and hospitality news, industry trends and exclusive interviews.
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