Abundance of Caution is Not Good Enough

caution barista cafe outdoor restaurant
  • Easy Ice
  • Specialty Food Association Winter Fancy Food Show 2025
  • Red Gold BBQ
  • Day & Nite
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Imperial Dade

Article contributed by Mike Berman, COO, Day & Nite/All Service, with Tia Tassava

Just as “thoughts and prayers” has become the standard for tragedies it’s hard to find words for, “abundance of caution” has vaulted into everyday usage to the point it either has no meaning or is akin to the proverbial ostrich burrowing its head deep into the sand.

In practice, caution offers little more than a passive measure or warning. In the face of continued and to a large extent rising global health, economic, social, and now political uncertainty, the wise professional recognizes nothing less than an abundance of precaution—more advanced, anticipatory, and active—is required.

Whether it was the Federal Reserve’s late August announcement that interest rates would be held for the next three years, ever-shifting outbreaks of COVID-19 cases reported across the 50 states, the simultaneously sluggish yet roller coasteresque national employment picture, or the muddled consumer spending picture, dire warning signs have been flashing and are only getting brighter. More often than not, “thoughts and prayers” are expressed in abundance when an otherwise preventable tragedy becomes all too real. Proceeding with anything less than an abundance of active precaution is more likely to court utterly preventable devastation from occurring to your business.

Certainly, COVID-19 is the catalyst for the many dangers each of us must confront every day. Our ongoing research and analysis establish three primary response modes and operational conditioning for businesses and the public at large:

  • Super vigilant — treating coronavirus seriously, actively exploring every viable preventative measure, taking all precautions
  • Complacent — perhaps once vigilant, without nightly news reporting horrifying scenes from hospitals with corpses being loaded into refrigerated trucks have let their guards down, but are still expressing caution, and 
  • Deniers — disbelieve COVID-19 is real or a threat, anti-PPE pro-hoax, in some instances only able to express regret.

Regardless of one’s viewpoint, it is hard to believe everyone wouldn’t have agreed the White House was the safest COVID-19 zone anywhere. Yet, recent events now prove otherwise. Failing to see the steadily increasing volume of positive coronavirus tests as the most ominous signal of greater risk and danger ahead, the greatest catalyst for absolute precaution and prevention. Just consider these troubling statistics: in a one week period, there were as many reported COVID-19 cases tied to the White House (34) as the entire nations of New Zealand (25) and Taiwan (9) combined! 

Nobody has better expressed or more embodied these wise proactive ideals than Chef Albert DiMeglio. Nor has any establishment done more to operate with an abundance of precaution than Barano; his recent James Beard Foundation panel appearance now even more important for all to view. At a bare minimum, the nation would not be in nearly as chaotic a state we find ourselves in had Chef Al been White House Chief of Staff, or if key government officials attended this insightful James Beard Foundation webinar.

  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • Specialty Food Association Winter Fancy Food Show 2025
  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Imperial Dade
  • Day & Nite
  • Easy Ice
  • Red Gold BBQ

Day & Nite Performance Solution’s mission is to provide a deeply researched, certifiable environmental, workplace, and food safety methodology carefully curated as the needed abundance of precaution every business requires for bringing certainty and removing risk from a landscape scarred by mounting hazards. At 10 AM every Friday, Day & Nite Performance Solutions experts host open Town Hall sessions for the express purpose of providing the latest insights and concepts for protecting your business, assuring that essential abundance of precaution. Register for an upcoming Day & Nite Performance Solutions Town Hall here.

  • Imperial Dade
  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • Easy Ice
  • Specialty Food Association Winter Fancy Food Show 2025
  • Red Gold BBQ
  • Day & Nite