The Food Equipment Digital Disruptors (FEDD) are the ones who will forge a path in our industry, leading us into the next era of business through digital content in video, audio & written form.
The FEDD Group will bring the food equipment industry together, share best practices, provide tools and know-how through this group, mastermind events and bi-annual conferences. The skilled trades is at a crossroads and the FEDD members, collectively, will make our industry noisy, building the future together. The FEDD Group hosts bi-annual conferences and Mastermind events throughout the year to build community over competition and help its members build their personal and company brands for success in a 2021 world. Below are industry insights from the members:
5 Key Points for Social Media Success
By: Rich Malachy, CEO, Malachy Parts & Service, richard@malachycares.com
- Be real – People don’t want to be sold to, they want to be engaged.
- Be relevant – having a presence in platforms where your customers or potential customers are is where you’ll get the most reach and engagement. [Food Equipment industry; Linkedin]
- Don’t sell – I know you’re in business! But selling will mean most are going to swipe right past your post. Don’t focus on the sale, focus on building your brand awareness and engaging in meaningful conversations. That builds loyalty and trust.
- Celebrate success – Embrace and acknowledge the good and the bad! Screen shot reviews, tag customers or partners, and thank them! Internally as well with employee achievements or company milestones.
- Win more – Just be CONSISTENT. These platforms are 24/7 #nodaysoff and remember number 1. BE REAL.
The Food Equipment Digital Disruptors was initially started to get people excited to get online, start getting loud and consistent about their business, their brand and our industry. It has evolved into something much bigger. I now see it as the conduit to all channels of our industry and a community that connects us all. We are an events company. We are a marketing tool. We are an education center. We are a brand builder for individuals and companies in the food equipment industry space.
These 5 key points are exactly what you need to know to begin your journey. Brand is more important than ever. People do business with people. Remember that and remember to be yourself. Until next time, be good to each other.
Manufacturing Marketing Tip 101- Understand Your Target Audience
By: Evan Priesel, Director of Sales and Marketing, Univex Corporation,
When utilizing social media, it is important to understand who your target market is for that specific campaign. As you create content, you need to keep your target market in mind. As a manufacturer for example, are you targeting end users or equipment dealers? These campaigns might have similarities but would differ in the type of content you post. Remember, a social media post should be one of three things: Educational, Informational or Humorous.
A campaign targeted towards a dealer might be how you differentiate yourself from your competitors (which can be helpful to end users as well), while trying to target end users, you want to highlight how your product can directly help their operation, such as labor savings, innovation, ease of use, etc.
Do not forget to post content consistently and with a purpose! Univex Corporation is a great example of this!
By: Joe Ferri, COO, Pecinka Ferri, joe@pecinkaferri.com
Almost all of your choices in food service equipment are now available in both floor model and counter models.
Choosing the countertop versions can provide some unique operator benefits, by de-coupling the functions of the upper and lower portions of a workstation. Addressing each vertical component individually, in either preparation or cooking areas, results in a hybrid design approach. This, in turn, can have enormous bottom-line implications.
Providing that their volume is consistent with your needs, tabletop units can offer the flexibility and modularity that is essential in these rapidly changing times. Baking in the ability to pivot into your layout has gained the greatest importance in today’s environment.
- Equipment can be much more easily reconfigured to suit changing menus and/or evolving staffing.
- Swapping out of individual pieces can be so much less disruptive to operations.
- When the top and bottom half of the station are separate, long-term cost of ownership drops dramatically.
- Provides the ability to easily mix and match side by side components.
- Choose between a variety of bases including refrigerated, blast chilling and freezing, open and enclosed storage, proofing, heating, oven and even steam assisted ovens!
- Ventless options in counter-top cooking equipment abound, opening up underutilized real estate.
The demand for countertop appliances has been growing rapidly. It is easy to understand why. Smart operators have learned the advantages of counter intelligence.
What is preventative planned maintenance?
By: Josh Zolin, CEO, Windy City Equipment, josh@windycityaz.com
First lesson, “Preventative Maintenance,” as nice as it sounds, does not exist. We can clean, scrub, maintain, and perform all necessary adjustments per the manufacturer specifications, but at the end of the day we haven’t “prevented” anything. Equipment, like that light bulb in your closet, can work beautifully one day, and fail to turn on the next. So, first and foremost, never use the term “preventative” again. It is hereby stricken from your vocabulary.
From this point forward, we will be referring to it as “Planned Maintenance”, because that DOES exist.
We implement planned maintenance of our equipment to ensure that we secure the longevity that our most valuable assets are capable of. That’s the bottom line.
Many think that PMs only extended to their HVAC, or possibly refrigeration equipment, but nothing could be further from the truth. Cooking equipment arguably requires just as much attention, if not more, because of the rigorous environment in commercial kitchens. Grease, food, water, calcium, and human behavior all play an especially important role in the lifespan of these units.
So, in addition to the widely known and accepted practice of changing air filters, water filters, and coil cleanings, mind the seldom-known repercussions of ignoring your kitchen equipment:
- Cleaning motor vents could save you upwards of $1,500 each (new motor)
- Cleaning cooling fans could save you upwards of $2,500 each (new boards)
- Cleaning grease could save you from burning down your entire establishment. Quantify that however you’d like.
By: Jason Wange, Cal-Mil & Foodservice Powerplant Network of Facebook, jwange@calmil.com
We made it through January! Many of us set goals for the New Year and now one month in, some of us are experiencing pride in our growth and some are saying, “I knew I couldn’t do it.” Well, you can do it; we all can. It just takes a few tools to help us find success in the positive changes we look to make in our lives.
1. Commit to Your Resolution for 30 Days: Anytime you make a change in your life, that sense of unfamiliarity creates discomfort…and none of us like to be uncomfortable. The idea of being uncomfortable (even if it’s for something positive) all year can feel overwhelming. We can all try something for 30 days.
2. Go All-In: When we agree to make a resolution for change, it’s so much easier to go all in and don’t allow yourself any wiggle room to deviate. If you choose to get up 30 minutes earlier to be better prepared for your day, do it every day to avoid wasting energy negotiating.
3. Understand WHY: With any change in our life, one of the key elements to helping make sure those changes stick is to understand WHY we want to make the changes. If you choose to exercise more, “I want to fit into those pants”, isn’t nearly as compelling as “I want to make sure I’m around to play with my grandkids.” Knowing WHY you are making a life change can make all the difference.
By: Bobby Buivid, Design / Build, Olympic Store Fixtures, bobby@olympicstorefixtures.com
2021 will be the year of rebuilding and retooling the Foodservice Industry on every channel. Restaurants and commercial kitchens need financial assistance after being dealt a difficult blow of not only lost revenue but also greater competition and slimmer margins from the ever-expanding digital marketplace and delivery systems. As with every change, some investment will be needed to meet the requirements of a new execution model and spending money needs to be a more vigilant and strategic process, now more than ever. One way to offset costs for new equipment is to take advantage of Rebates. Utility companies around the country are offering Rebates for qualifying ENERGY STAR and other energy-efficient equipment that will not only save money annually from lower utility costs but also significantly reducing up-front costs.
For example, in Chicago Illinois, Frontier Energy is offering an Instant $750 Rebate on eligible Fryers. An energy efficient (ENERGY STAR) REEF-35 Fryer from Royal Range with an average retail price of $1,500 is now just $750 + applicable taxes. That’s 50% OFF purchase price, plus considerable annual utility savings opposed to a non-ENERGY STAR Fryer.
Rebates are offered on both Hot, Cold, Warewash, and other equipment categories and are available from providers around the country in select regions. Check with your local Utility Companies, Distributors, and Dealers to find out availability in your area: https://www.energystar.gov/products/commercial_food_service_equipment