Back to School with Ventless: Fueling the Student Body

cafeteria school students
Article contributed by Danielle Fantasia, Sales & Marketing, for Motion Technology Inc. 

Back to school and back to reality! Students across the country are gearing up to return to their dorms and campuses for another year of education and college experiences. Another year of pep rallies, football games, and homecomings. Universities and colleges have to be on their toes, and ready to keep these young people focused, entertained and most importantly, fueled!

In order to keep the student body powered for the school days ahead, colleges and universities have to stay on top of the quality and convenience of the food they serve.  Accomplishing this is simple, as long as they have the right equipment. At Motion Technology Inc., quality and convenience are our specialties! For nearly thirty years we have perfected our family of ventless equipment, creating the ideal fryers and ovens for our clients. College and university campuses can deliver food to their hungry students with ease when they go ventless.

Because our ventless technology requires no hoods, our equipment can be set up just about anywhere. Whether it is the cafeteria, football stadium, or auditorium concession stand, MTI can make it happen! Owners and operators can create delicious items to fill the appetite of the hungriest pupil. From perfectly fried chicken and fries in the AutoFry, to healthier options like fresh salmon and roasted brussel sprouts from the MultiChef XL, no craving is left unfed.

In addition to the endless amounts of menu options our equipment provides, they can also assist schools with supplying the convenience their students require. We know that college and university life can be busy and stressful, but school campuses can help relieve a bit of that stress by having great food options readily available. Learning is a lot easier when it isn’t done on an empty stomach!

With our ventless kitchen equipment, it is as easy as 1,2,3 to serve up tasty food to fuel the future leaders of tomorrow. Just plug in the AutoFry or MultiChef XL and start cooking! In just minutes you will have freshly prepared food in the hands of a hungry student, readying them to take on anything and everything. Because our high-speed oven and fryers are so easy to use, they can be operated by any employee. Campuses can save on labor costs by avoiding the hire of a professional cook and providing employment to a student in need!

  • Imperial Dade
  • SFA Winter Fancy Faire
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • ERA Group
  • Red Gold BBQ
  • Easy Ice
  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Day & Nite

So, start the school year off right, and see how we can be the source of ventless technology for any campus!

  • BelGioioso Burrata
  • Food Export Northeast USA
  • Imperial Dade
  • ERA Group
  • SFA Winter Fancy Faire
  • Red Gold BBQ
  • Easy Ice
  • Day & Nite
Total Food Service
Total Food Service is a monthly B2B foodservice publication and website covering foodservice and hospitality news, industry trends and exclusive interviews.